Jindabyne High School

Rivers of Learning, Mountains of Opportunity

Telephone02 6451 3911


Curriculum Options

Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10) Studies Option

Year 9 Subject Selection

All Year 8 students can access the Stage 5 Curriculum Guide by clicking on the link below. It is important to remember that courses are for both Year 9 and 10, unless specific arrangements are made with the school

Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12) Studies Option

Year 11 Subject Selection

All Year 10 students will be issued with the Senior Studies Guide from Term 3 Week 1. When you have this book, please read through the information to assist you in deciding which subjects you would like to complete in Years 11 and 12.

It is important to remember that courses are 2-year courses and consist of a Year 11 and Year 12 course. Students must satisfactorily complete the Year 11 Course to be eligible to commence the Year 12 Course.


Jindabyne Central School recognises that students require flexible options for their curriculum delivery. In Years 11 and 12, students may select a TAFE course as part of their pattern of study. TAFE courses are accessed through  Illawarra Institute - Cooma Campus. Students have the opportunity to participate in a range of courses including business services, automotive, welding, information technology, fine arts, tourism and hospitality, agriculture, building, general education and outreach.

For more information on the opportunities TAFE can provide, go to the TAFE Cooma Campus website. Students can also talk to the Careers Adviser at school.

TAFE logo

Distance Education

Distance Education (DE) caters for a small number of students who have interests in studying niche courses that are not provided by the school. Enrolling in a DE course is usually done through either Karabar DIstance Education Centre or Dubbo school of Distance Education. Courses are facilitated through a supervisor from the institution who provides students with a package of learning activities for completion by the student. The DE course is integrated into the students timetable and they attend the Library to work at their own pace.

A range of courses can be studied, with languages, Information Processing and Technology, and Entertainment being the most common.

For more information go to the Karabar DE Centre  or the  Dubbo School of Distance Ed websites.