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Jindabyne High School

Jindabyne High School

Rivers of Learning, Mountains of Opportunity

Telephone02 6451 3911


Jindabyne High School Triumphs at Local Australia Day Citizenship Awards


In a celebration of artistic excellence and community collaboration, Jindabyne High School proudly accepted the Special Achievement Arts and Culture Award at the Local Australia Day Citizenship Awards 2024. The accolade was bestowed upon the school for its outstanding production of Disney's High School Musical on Stage!

Nira Windeatt, Jindabyne Lions Club Media and Communications Coordinator and Jindabyne Local Australia Day celebrations coordinator, during the presentation on January 26, commended JHS for the remarkable effort put into the musical, a production that captivated the school and wider community in May 2023. Her presentation emphasised that this achievement was not merely a theatrical success but a triumph in education and community integration.

"Involving over 100 students, teaching staff, and community members, this musical was a testament to the power of collaboration," said Nira. "Productions of this magnitude do not 'just happen'; they require dedication, teamwork, and the coming together of diverse talents. It ticked numerous art, cultural, education, and community boxes, leaving a lasting impact."

The award presentation highlighted several aspects of the production that contributed to its success. The musical fostered community engagement by bringing together individuals of all ages, creating a sense of togetherness. It enriched the cultural experience in a small town, providing an opportunity for all to immerse themselves in real art and cultural enrichment. Moreover, it served as a valuable educational platform, allowing students to develop skills such as teamwork, discipline, time management, and creative expression.

Principal, Mrs Henretty, during the school's first assembly for the year, expressed her gratitude to the wider Jindabyne High School community for their immense effort in making the musical a resounding success. Certificates of appreciation were presented to key staff members involved in the production, including Producer Ms Worsley, Director Ms Moloney, Musical Director Mrs Blazey, and Technical Director Mr Marshall.

Additionally, the citizenship awards recognised the exceptional achievements of Anika Bailey, 2023 JHS Vice Captain, who was awarded Young Citizen of the Year. Anika's contributions ranged from international representation at the G20 THINKQ in New Delhi to leadership roles in the Australian Cadets and local community events. Her involvement in dance concerts, the school musical, and support for local sports demonstrated outstanding community spirit.

Jindabyne High School is grateful for the acknowledgment of its commitment to fostering active citizens and leaders, providing students with opportunities to develop skills and confidence in enjoyable activities such as the acclaimed musical. The school looks forward to building on this success in the year to come, continuing to inspire and uplift both students and the community.


Relieve the magic by exploring the online production program featuring behind the scenes videos created by JHS student Ryan: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFh24RT2UM/X0aVP9VRO3JXCmnkIdqpAQ/view?utm_content=DAFh24RT2UM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer

or head to Enews for a link to see the filmed production of the show!